Price API
Gain access to Amazon prices, product details, search & category rankings, reviews & ratings and more
We provide Amazon pricing data through our Price API to optimize your e-commerce business and analysis. Receive product details, search & category rankings, ratings & reviews and more. For more information about our Price API click here.
We are a cloud-based multichannel tool for online shops, agencies and brands with the following features:
Export – brainbi automatically places your products through pre-configured interfaces on thousands of sales channels worldwide, including Google Shopping, social networks, price search engines, marketplaces and more.
Improve – brainbi offers comprehensive performance analysis and optimization capabilities. With the market price analysis, you always have the prices of competitors and resellers in view and can react accordingly with Dynamic Pricing. Product data optimization guarantees you an optimal listing.
Gain – brainbi enables you to increase revenue, presence and margin, even with price-sensitive products. You reduce marketing costs and save time and resources.
Innovation – brainbi focuses on innovation. Continuous development of brainbi gives you a competitive edge.
Easy-to-Use – brainbi offers only one user interface for all channels, which is very easy to use despite the many functions.
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