In this Scala Tutorial, we will discuss to define Scala Functions & Methods with the help of examples in detail.
Defining Scala Functions & Methods
The Syntax of defining function and method are same.
Scala functions/methods start with ‘def’ keyword followed by the function name, Input parameters, colon (:) and function return type. The equal sign is a separator between function body and its signature.
Function declaration and calling are similar to any programming language which consists of function name and Input parameters.
//Function Declaration
scala> def Hello(place:String):String={“Welcome to “+place}
Hello: (place: String)String
//Function Calling
scala> Hello(“India”)
res7: String = Welcome to India
Methods are declared inside the class and accessed using the object.
scala> class Function_Demo{
| //Method Declaration
| def Hello(place:String):String={“Welcome to “+place} }
defined class Function_Demo
scala> val F1 = new Function_Demo
F1: Function_Demo = Function_Demo@122d6c22
//Method Calling
scala> F1.Hello(“India”)
res8: String = Welcome to India
More Discussion on Scala Functions & Methods Syntax
Please note that below discussion is valid for both functions & methods. But we will be discussing examples of functions.
#1. Return value Using Return statement
We can return value from a function using return keyword.
scala> def example_1(a:Int,b:Int):Int={
| var k:Int=a+b;
| k=k*k+5;
| return k;
| }
exp: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
scala> example_1(2,4)
res0: Int = 41
#2. Return value without using return Statement
If we remove the return statement , the code will run without any error.
scala> def example_2(a:Int,b:Int)={
| var k:Int=a+b;
| k=k*k+5;
| k;
| }
example_2: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
scala> example_2(2,4)
res1: Int = 41
scala> def example_5(a:Int,b:Int)={
| var k:Int=a+b;
| “value is” +k;// It is a String
| }
example_5: (a: Int, b: Int)String
In the above example you will find that output return type is not defined, so Scala interpreter will infer return type from the type of variable.
Please note that if we use return keyword then it is required to use the return type otherwise interpreter will give an error message.
scala> def example_3(a:Int,b:Int)={
| var k:Int=a+b;
| k=k*k+5;
| return k;
| }
<console>:13: error: method example_3 has return statement; needs result type
return k;
#3. How to return Unit type?
If we don’t mention the return type and last expression of a function definition is neither a variable name or a string, then Unit type will be returned. The Unit is similar to Void in Java which means nothing will be returned.
scala> def example_4(a:Int,b:Int)={
| var k:Int=a+b;
| k=k*k+5;// Here last expression is not variable name
| }
example_4: (a: Int, b: Int)Unit
We can also add Unit as return type.
//Here return type is mentioned as Unit
scala> def example_4(a:Int,b:Int):Unit={
| var k:Int=a+b;
| k=k*k+5;
| k;
| }
example_4: (a: Int, b: Int)Unit
#4. Ignore curly braces for single line expression
If function body contains only single line expression, then we can ignore curly braces from function definition part.
scala> def example_6(place: String): String=”Welcome to”+ place;
example_6: (place: String)String
scala> def example_7(n:Int,m:Int)=n*n+2*m*n+m*m;
example_7: (n: Int, m: Int)Int
#5. Default Input Parameters
We can also provide Default values for Input parameters. Scala function will take these values if no value is given Input parameter.
scala> def example_8(place:String=”India”):String={“Welcome to ” + place};
example_8: (place: String)String
scala> example_8()
res2: String = Welcome to India
scala> example_8(“USA”)
res3: String = Welcome to USA
#6. Variable length argument
We can also give variable length arguments as input arguments.
scala> def example_9(a:Int*)={
| var out:Int=1;
| for(b <- a) | out*=b; | out; } example_9: (a: Int*)Int scala> example_9(1,2,3,4,5)
res5: Int = 120
scala> example_9(1 to 5: _*)// means value from 1 to 5
res6: Int = 120
In this article, we started with function/method syntax and then discussed return keyword , Unit type, default input parameters and variable length arguments.
I hope this article provide you a basic understanding of user defined Scala functions.
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