In this article, we will discuss about built in Scala operators and operator notations.

Scala Operators Types and Notations

#1 Types of Scala Operators

Based on the operations, scala operators are divided into 5 types.

Arithmetic Operators perform arithmetic operations such as Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide.


//file name:arithmetic.scala

val a=3

val b=2


println(“a+b = ” +(a+b));


println(“a-b = ” +(a-b));


println(“a*b = ” +(a*b));


println(“a/b = ” +(a/b));


println(“a%b = ” +(a%b))

We will get following output when running arithmetic.scala file.

scala> :load arithmetic.scala

Loading arithmetic.scala…

a: Int = 3

b: Int = 2

a+b = 5

a-b = 1

a*b = 6

a/b = 1

a%b = 1

Logical Operators perform logical operations (such as &&,||,!) on two variables.


//file name:Logic.scala

val t=true;

println(“t && !t = ” +(t && !t));

println(“t && t = ” +(t && t));

println(“t || t = ” +(t || t));

println(“t || !t = ” +(t || !t));

We will get following output when running logic.scala file.

scala> :load logic.scala

Loading logic.scala…

t: Boolean = true

// t=true , !t=false

//true && false=false

t && !t = false

//true && true =true

t && t = true

//true || true = true

t || t = true

//true || false = true

t || !t = true

Relational Operators perform comparison between operands and gives result as true if comparison is correct otherwise result is false.


// file name:relational.scala

val c=3 ;

val d=2;

//Equal to operator

println(“c==d = “+(c==d));

//Not Equal to operator

println(“c!=d = “+(c!=d));

//Greater than operator

println(“c>d = “+(c>d));

//Less than operator

println(“c<d = “+(c<d));

// Less than or equal to operator

println(“c<=d = “+(c<=d));

//Greater than or equal to operator

println(“c>=d = “+(c>=d));

We will get following output when running relational.scala file.

scala> :load relational.scala

Loading relational.scala…

c: Int = 3

d: Int = 2

c==d = false

c!=d = true

c>d = true

c<d = false

c<=d = false

c>=d = true

Bitwise Operators perform bit operations (such as AND , OR) on two variables.


//file name:bitwise.scala

//Binary AND

println(“2&3 = “+(2&3));

//Binary OR

println(“2|3 = “+(2|3));

//Binary XOR

println(“2^3 = “+(2^3));

//Binary One’s Complement

println(“~2 = “+(~2));

//Binary Shift Right

println(“-2 >> 31 = “+(-2 >> 31));

//Binary Unsigned Shift Right

println(“2 >>> 31 = “+(2 >>> 31));

//Binary Shift left

println(“2 << 3 = “+(2 << 3));

We will get following output when running bitwise.scala file.

scala> :load bitwise.scala

Loading bitwise.scala…

2&3 = 2

2|3 = 3

2^3 = 1

~2 = -3

-2 >> 31 = -1

2 >>> 31 = 0

2 << 3 = 16

There are 3 type of Bitwise shift operations: Shift Left (<<), Shift Right (>>), Unsigned Shift Right(>>>). Shift Right will fill the signed bit during each shift, but Shift left and Unsigned Shift Right will fill zeroes during each shift.

Assignment Operators areused to assign values to a Scala variable.


// file name: assignment.scala

var p = 15;

var q = 20;

var r = 0;

//simple assignment operator

r = p + q;

println(“r = p + q = ” + r );

//Add and assignment operator

r += p ;//r=r+p;

println(“r += p = ” + r );

//Subtract and assignment operator

r -= p ;//r=r-p;

println(“r -= p = ” + r );

//Multiply and assignment operator

r *= p ;//r=r*p;

println(“r *= p = ” + r );

//Divide and assignment operator

r /= p ;//r=r/p;

println(“r /= p = ” + r );

r = 20;

//Modulus and assignment operator

r %= p ;//r=r%p;

println(“r %= p = ” + r );

//Left shift operator

r <<= 2 ;//r=r<<2;

println(“r <<= 2 = ” + r );

//Right shift operator

r >>= 2;//r=r>>2;

println(“r >>= 2 = ” + r );

//Bitwise And and assignment operator

r &= p ;//r=r&p;

println(“r &= p = ” + r );

//Bitwise Exclusive OR and assignment operator

r ^= p ;//r=r^p;

println(“r ^= p = ” + r );

//Bitwise OR and assignment operator

r |= p ;//r=r|p;

println(“r |= p = ” + r );

We will get following output when running assignment.scala file

scala> :load assignment.scala

Loading assignment.scala…

p: Int = 15

q: Int = 20

r: Int = 0

r: Int = 35

r = p + q  = 35

r += p  = 50

r -= p = 35

r *= p = 525

r /= p  = 35

r: Int = 20

r %= p  = 5

r <<= 2 = 20

r >>= 2  = 5

r &= p  = 5

r ^= p  = 10

r |= p  = 15

#2 Operator Notations

There are 3 type of notations : prefix, infix, and postfix.

In prefix, an operator notation is placed before the an object.

Let us discuss with an example:

scala> val e = -3

e: Int = –3

In the above example ‘-‘ is an operator notation and ‘3’ is an object of Int class.

Scala is purely an object oriented language. Therefore every operator is a method of some class. When we write -3 , it means that scala will internally invoke unary_- method. Since 3 is an Int object, therefore unary_- is a method of Int class. Here ‘-‘ is notation for unary_- method.

We can also call method of prefix notations.

scala> val e = 3.unary_-

e: Int = –3

Infix notations are placed between two objects.

scala> val a=20

a: Int = 20

scala> val b=21

b: Int = 21

scala> val c=a+b

c: Int = 41

a  &  b  are  Int Objects and ‘+’ is method from Int class.  ‘+’ is also notation for ‘+’ method.

We can also rewrite the code as:

scala> val d=(a).+(b)

d: Int = 41

In the above code ‘+’ method takes b as input parameter.

Postfix notations are placed just after an Object.

scala> val p=21

p: Int = 21

scala> val q=p.toLong

q: Long = 21

In the above example, p is an Int object and toLong is method from Int class. toLong is notation for toLong method.


Operators are almost similar in all programming languages. We discussed following points about Scala operators:

  • Different types of operators
  • Example of each operator
  • Notations of operators
  • Examples of each notations

In this article, we will discuss about built in Scala operators and operator notations.

Scala Variable - Scala val vs Scala var - HadoopTree
Scala Variable – Scala val vs Scala var – HadoopTree

Scala Operators Types and Notations

#1 Types of Scala Operators

Based on the operations, scala operators are divided into 5 types.

Arithmetic Operators perform arithmetic operations such as Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide.


//file name:arithmetic.scala

val a=3

val b=2


println(“a+b = ” +(a+b));


println(“a-b = ” +(a-b));


println(“a*b = ” +(a*b));


println(“a/b = ” +(a/b));


println(“a%b = ” +(a%b))

We will get following output when running arithmetic.scala file.

scala> :load arithmetic.scala

Loading arithmetic.scala…

a: Int = 3

b: Int = 2

a+b = 5

a-b = 1

a*b = 6

a/b = 1

a%b = 1

Logical Operators perform logical operations (such as &&,||,!) on two variables.


//file name:Logic.scala

val t=true;

println(“t && !t = ” +(t && !t));

println(“t && t = ” +(t && t));

println(“t || t = ” +(t || t));

println(“t || !t = ” +(t || !t));

We will get following output when running logic.scala file.

scala> :load logic.scala

Loading logic.scala…

t: Boolean = true

// t=true , !t=false

//true && false=false

t && !t = false

//true && true =true

t && t = true

//true || true = true

t || t = true

//true || false = true

t || !t = true

Relational Operators perform comparison between operands and gives result as true if comparison is correct otherwise result is false.


// file name:relational.scala

val c=3 ;

val d=2;

//Equal to operator

println(“c==d = “+(c==d));

//Not Equal to operator

println(“c!=d = “+(c!=d));

//Greater than operator

println(“c>d = “+(c>d));

//Less than operator

println(“c<d = “+(c<d));

// Less than or equal to operator

println(“c<=d = “+(c<=d));

//Greater than or equal to operator

println(“c>=d = “+(c>=d));

We will get following output when running relational.scala file.

scala> :load relational.scala

Loading relational.scala…

c: Int = 3

d: Int = 2

c==d = false

c!=d = true

c>d = true

c<d = false

c<=d = false

c>=d = true

Bitwise Operators perform bit operations (such as AND , OR) on two variables.


//file name:bitwise.scala

//Binary AND

println(“2&3 = “+(2&3));

//Binary OR

println(“2|3 = “+(2|3));

//Binary XOR

println(“2^3 = “+(2^3));

//Binary One’s Complement

println(“~2 = “+(~2));

//Binary Shift Right

println(“-2 >> 31 = “+(-2 >> 31));

//Binary Unsigned Shift Right

println(“2 >>> 31 = “+(2 >>> 31));

//Binary Shift left

println(“2 << 3 = “+(2 << 3));

We will get following output when running bitwise.scala file.

scala> :load bitwise.scala

Loading bitwise.scala…

2&3 = 2

2|3 = 3

2^3 = 1

~2 = -3

-2 >> 31 = -1

2 >>> 31 = 0

2 << 3 = 16

There are 3 type of Bitwise shift operations: Shift Left (<<), Shift Right (>>), Unsigned Shift Right(>>>). Shift Right will fill the signed bit during each shift, but Shift left and Unsigned Shift Right will fill zeroes during each shift.

Assignment Operators areused to assign values to a Scala variable.


// file name: assignment.scala

var p = 15;

var q = 20;

var r = 0;

//simple assignment operator

r = p + q;

println(“r = p + q = ” + r );

//Add and assignment operator

r += p ;//r=r+p;

println(“r += p = ” + r );

//Subtract and assignment operator

r -= p ;//r=r-p;

println(“r -= p = ” + r );

//Multiply and assignment operator

r *= p ;//r=r*p;

println(“r *= p = ” + r );

//Divide and assignment operator

r /= p ;//r=r/p;

println(“r /= p = ” + r );

r = 20;

//Modulus and assignment operator

r %= p ;//r=r%p;

println(“r %= p = ” + r );

//Left shift operator

r <<= 2 ;//r=r<<2;

println(“r <<= 2 = ” + r );

//Right shift operator

r >>= 2;//r=r>>2;

println(“r >>= 2 = ” + r );

//Bitwise And and assignment operator

r &= p ;//r=r&p;

println(“r &= p = ” + r );

//Bitwise Exclusive OR and assignment operator

r ^= p ;//r=r^p;

println(“r ^= p = ” + r );

//Bitwise OR and assignment operator

r |= p ;//r=r|p;

println(“r |= p = ” + r );

We will get following output when running assignment.scala file

scala> :load assignment.scala

Loading assignment.scala…

p: Int = 15

q: Int = 20

r: Int = 0

r: Int = 35

r = p + q  = 35

r += p  = 50

r -= p = 35

r *= p = 525

r /= p  = 35

r: Int = 20

r %= p  = 5

r <<= 2 = 20

r >>= 2  = 5

r &= p  = 5

r ^= p  = 10

r |= p  = 15

#2 Operator Notations

There are 3 type of notations : prefix, infix, and postfix.

In prefix, an operator notation is placed before the an object.

Let us discuss with an example:

scala> val e = -3

e: Int = –3

In the above example ‘-‘ is an operator notation and ‘3’ is an object of Int class.

Scala is purely an object oriented language. Therefore every operator is a method of some class. When we write -3 , it means that scala will internally invoke unary_- method. Since 3 is an Int object, therefore unary_- is a method of Int class. Here ‘-‘ is notation for unary_- method.

We can also call method of prefix notations.

scala> val e = 3.unary_-

e: Int = –3

Infix notations are placed between two objects.

scala> val a=20

a: Int = 20

scala> val b=21

b: Int = 21

scala> val c=a+b

c: Int = 41

a  &  b  are  Int Objects and ‘+’ is method from Int class.  ‘+’ is also notation for ‘+’ method.

We can also rewrite the code as:

scala> val d=(a).+(b)

d: Int = 41

In the above code ‘+’ method takes b as input parameter.

Postfix notations are placed just after an Object.

scala> val p=21

p: Int = 21

scala> val q=p.toLong

q: Long = 21

In the above example, p is an Int object and toLong is method from Int class. toLong is notation for toLong method.


Operators are almost similar in all programming languages. We discussed following points about Scala operators:

  • Different types of operators
  • Example of each operator
  • Notations of operators
  • Examples of each notations